Space mutiny names
Space mutiny names

space mutiny names

If you haven’t seen MST before, or if you haven’t seen this one in a while, watch it now! Go! MOVE MOVE MOVE! Sure, they feel icky during Leah’s love scene with Ryder or when she tries to seduce a guard to escape, ,but that’s about it (though the pain they do endure and the way they turn on each other in the end is close) The riffing is a 10 out of 10, don’t’ get me wrong, but that extra sense of friendship, of comradery, isn’t there enough to make me adore this episode. The only reason it isn’t one of my own personal faves is because it doesn’t quite cause Mike and the Bots enough pain. Point is, the episode is one of the best. With a set up like that, stars like those, and a decade such as this, it would’ve been a challenge for the people at Best Brains to have not made this one a classic.īut they knocked it so far out of the park it…landed in a basketball stadium and started another sport? I dunno, ignore that metaphor.

Space mutiny names movie#

It’s a veritable cheese platter of 80s action cheese, thanks to Reb Brown and explosions throwing extras everywhere sci-fi cheese, thanks to shiny pastel and tinfoil costumes, laser blasts, and sets that vary from “pastel space dance club” to “industrial building in the role of space ship” and cheapo cheese thanks to the movie unceremoniously starring special effects lifted from the original Battlestar Galactica. The only thing stopping him is rugged space hero David Ryder (one time Captain America and 80s actioneer Reb Brown), a blond hunk with arms Chris Redfield would be jealous of. Villainous Kalgan (John Phillip Law, of Barbarella, Diabolik and countless other cult classics), has a tight-grip of the police-like Enforcers and wants the ship to land on the nearest planet (why the ship won’t just land on the nearest habitable world, the movie doesn’t explain, at least the MST cut doesn’t). Shot in South Africa in the 80s, Space Mutiny is about a totally peaceful rebellion that happens aboard the Southern Sun, a generational ship crawling across space. That alone makes this episode legendary.īut the bright, shining North Star all jokes and glory for this episode follow is the movie itself. Topics covered: Servo yelling “I wish I had Jesse’s Girl!” when a Rick Springfield look-alike is killed Mike saying, “We’ve got an infestation of Benedictine monks” when people walk into a room accompanied by chanting and the plain-ol’ childish, when a character tells another, “Take a chair”, to which Crow replies “And ram it.”And of course, this episodes features one of the single best running gags ever done on the show: the many names they give main character David Ryder, which range from "Dirk Hardpeck" to "Blast Hardcheese" to "Big McLargeHuge". The riffing, as befitting Season 8, is rapid-fire and hilarious. The host segments revolving around Mike and the Bots are also great, especially the space-battle scene, and later when, inspired by the railings of the movie’s industrial plant setting and the many railing kills resulting, installs dozens of needless railings, balustrades and handrails across the ship, tripping Mike and Crow all over the place. Seeing Mary Jo Pehl and Bridget Jones bounce off one another as Pearl and Flavia is fantastic. The episode takes place during the “Great Chase” plot, with Pearl, Bobo and Brain Guy captured by the deliciously evil Flavia (Bridget Jones) in Roman times, and Brain Guy, his brain-in-a-bowl taken away, at sub-Bobo intelligence. Where to even begin? The host segments are all around great. And while it’s probably not in my top 10, I can’t argue, this one is a classic for a reason.

space mutiny names

With it the movie’s cheesy 80s-ness, and the show running in its hilarious prime, it’s easy to see why. This episode also appears on numerous “Top 10” and “Favorite Episode” lists across the web. In a 2011 entry in its “Gateways to Geekry” series, the AV Club recommended Space Mutiny as an ideal place to begin for first time MST3K viewers.

Space mutiny names